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通 知



第一条 为加快我市推广普通话进程,提高市民语言素质,根据《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》的有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本规定。
  第二条 推广普通话是全社会的共同责任。每个市民应当认真学习、掌握并自觉使用普通话。
  第三条 推广普通话必须贯彻“大力推行、积极普及、逐步提高”的方针。各级党政机关必须带头推广普通话,充分发挥公务员的带头作用,发挥教育的基础作用,发挥新闻、出版、广播、影视等媒体的示范作用。要在推广普及的同时,做好提高工作。
  第四条 市教育行政主管部门在市人民政府领导下主管全市推广普通话工作,各区县教育行政主管部门负责本行政辖区的推广普通话工作。
第五条 推广普通话应根据不同部门、不同行业、不同对象提出不同的要求:
第六条 对下列人员实行普通话水平等级达标和持证上岗制度,普通话水平等级测试由市普通话水平测试站组织实施。
第七条 各部门、各行业在推广、普及普通话的同时,必须有计划地组织有关人员进行普通话培训,提高普通话水平。
第八条 本规定第五条所涉及的各类人员的招聘、晋级或评定专业技术职称以及考核、评优、奖励,应把使用普通话情况和所达到的标准作为重要条件。
第九条 各部门、各单位应加强对本部门、本单位推广使用普通话工作的监督检查,并对取得优异成绩的单位和个人予以表彰和奖励。
第十条 本规定由市人民政府法制办公室负责解释。
第十一条 本规定自2005年6月1日起施行。

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第一章 总 则
第一条 为适应我国海洋开发和水下工程作业的需要,加强潜水员队伍的建设和管理,保障潜水员水下作业安全,促进潜水技术的提高和潜水事业的发展,特制定本办法。
第二条 本办法适用于我国从事潜水作业的潜水员。
第三条 潜水员证书是潜水作业人员具备安全使用与证书相符的潜水装具进行潜水作业的凭证。没有有效潜水员证书的潜水员不得从事商业潜水作业。
第四条 潜水员证书由交通部统一制作。交通部潜水员考核委员会为我国潜水员证书发证审批机关,其办事机构设在交通部海上救助打捞局人事教育处。烟台、上海、广州海上救助打捞局潜水员考核委员会为潜水员证书考核机关,其办事机构设在各救助打捞局人事教育处。

第二章 潜水员证书
第五条 根据潜水作业采用的潜水方式和呼吸气体的不同,潜水员证书分为自携式潜水、通风式潜水、管供式潜水、空气潜水、混合气潜水和饱和潜水六种。潜水员经考核后按其实际潜水技能发给相应的潜水员证书。其中持有空气潜水潜水员证书者等同于同时持有自携式、通风式、管供式三种潜水员证书,申请混合气潜水潜水员证书者须持有空气潜水潜水员证书,申请饱和潜水潜水员证书者须持有混合气潜水潜水员证书。

第三章 办证对象
第六条 国家认可的正规潜水学校的毕业生,实习一年期满,经考核合格,即可申请办理潜水员证书。
第七条 参加过发证主管部门认可的专业潜水训练的人员,实习两年期满,经考核合格,可申请办理潜水员证书。
第八条 在国(境)外参加过国内发证主管部门认可的专业潜水培训的人员,经考核合格,可申请办理相应的潜水员证书。

第四章 申办程序
第九条 申请办理潜水员证书者应向指定的潜水员证书考核机关提出申请,并提供以下材料:
第十条 潜水员证书考核机关负责以下工作:
第十一条 发证审批机关负责对潜水员证书申请表和潜水员证书考核机关签署的意见进行审核,在60日内作出合格或不合格的决定,确认合格者即发给中华人民共和国潜水员证书。
第十二条 潜水员证书的各项内容须填写齐全、准确,经发证机关加盖“交通部潜水员考核委员会”钢印后生效。

第五章 年 审
第十三条 潜水员证书实行年审制。年审目的是审查潜水员现有作业能力和技术水平是否与其所持证书相符。
第十四条 年审项目包括健康检查、技术审查及潜水实绩考核等。年审工作通常在每年第三季度进行。年审工作由潜水员证书考核机关负责组织实施。
第十五条 潜水员年审合格者由潜水员证书考核机关在其潜水员证书上加盖年审合格印章后方为有效。
第十六条 潜水员因生病或其它原因连续一年没有进行潜水作业或模拟潜水作业的即视为年审不合格。潜水员恢复潜水作业时须经原考核机关重新审查确认。
第十七条 凡二年以上未通过年审的潜水员,其潜水员证书自然失效。
第十八条 本办法由交通部潜水员考核委员会负责解释。
第十九条 本办法自公布之日起施行。


中国 巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国
























Joint Statement Between the People’s Republic of China

And the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

1. At the invitation of President Hu Jintao of the People’s Republic of China, President Pervez Musharraf of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan paid a state visit to the People’s Republic of China from 19 to 23 February 2006.

2. President Hu Jintao held official talks with President Musharraf. Mr. Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Mr. Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council, and Mr. Jia Qinglin, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, met President Musharraf respectively. In a cordial and friendly atmosphere, leaders of the two countries had in-depth exchange of views and reached broad common ground on strengthening China-Pakistan strategic partnership of cooperation and on international and regional issues of mutual interest.

3. During his visit, President Musharraf addressed leading Chinese scholars at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, met members of the Chinese business community and attended a special commemorative event marking the 55th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. President Musharraf and his delegation also visited Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

4. The leaders of the two countries reviewed with satisfaction the growth of China-Pakistan relations over the past 55 years. They were glad to see that China-Pakistan friendship featuring sincerity, cooperation, mutual trust and support has struck deep root in the hearts of the two peoples. The all-weather friendship between China and Pakistan has withstood the test of time and prospered notwithstanding changes in the international, regional and domestic environment. Both sides agreed that at a time when major and profound changes are taking place both internationally and regionally, to strengthen good-neighborliness and friendship, develop cooperation and deepen strategic relations between China and Pakistan serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples and will promote peace and development in the region. Both sides emphasized that the two countries are committed to enhancing China-Pakistan strategic partnership of cooperation featuring good-neighborliness, friendship and mutual cooperation. The two countries will continue to take steps to deepen and enrich China-Pakistan relations.

5. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the successful implementation of the Joint Declaration Between the People’s Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the Direction of Bilateral Cooperation issued by the two Heads of State in November 2003 and the signing and coming into effect of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good-neighborly Relations. They agreed to maintain exchange of high-level visits and contacts and conduct regular consultation and coordination on major international and regional issues and bilateral relations and to make unremitting efforts to promote stability and prosperity both in China and Pakistan and in the region.

6. On behalf of the Pakistani Government and people, President Musharraf expressed appreciation to the Chinese Government and people for the provision of emergency relief material and humanitarian assistance in the wake of the earthquake in Pakistan. He stated that the selfless assistance of the Chinese side reflected the true friendship between China and Pakistan tested by adversity. President Hu Jintao said that the Chinese side will take an active part in the reconstruction of disaster-hit areas in Pakistan and help the affected people rebuild their homeland.

7. The two sides decided to use the occasion of the 55th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties to lift China-Pakistan relations to a new height. The two sides agreed to hold this year the “Cultural Week” and “Film Week”, and to exchange media and academic visits.

8. Both sides expressed their firm resolve to strengthen cooperation in all spheres. They held that to maintain trade and economic links is not only an important part of China-Pakistan cooperation and good-neighborly relations but also a bond of common interests between the two countries. Both sides agreed to explore new ways to expand economic cooperation and trade to promote common development for the two countries and peoples.

9. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the implementation of the Early Harvest Programme, and agreed to expedite negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement. They emphasized that overland trade through the Karakoram Highway should be promoted and were ready to adopt measures to facilitate such trade.

10. Both sides also expressed deep satisfaction with the progress being made on various Chinese-assisted economic projects in Pakistan, including Gwadar Port, Sandhak Gold and Copper and Dudar Zinc and Lead. They agreed to encourage cooperation between Chinese and Pakistani companies, including setting up joint ventures, and supported the early launching of a joint study on expanding economic cooperation and trade. Both sides agreed to set up a China-Pakistan Joint Investment Company between the financial institutions of the two countries. Both sides also reached agreement in principle to upgrade the Karakoram Highway. Special emphasis was placed on cooperation in agriculture, especially agro-based industry, pesticides, drip irrigation and fisheries. A framework agreement on expanding and deepening economic cooperation was signed.

11. Both sides agreed to enhance their cooperation in the energy sector and signed the Framework Agreement on Energy Cooperation, a wide-ranging document. Pakistan expressed its interest in construction of oil refineries, gas terminals, oil and gas storage and transit facilities. The Chinese side welcomed these proposals and agreed to assist in the development of oil and gas sector in Pakistan.

12. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the performance of Chashma Nuclear Power Plant-I and the start of the construction of the Chashma Power Plant Unit-II. They agreed to enhance cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

13. Both sides attached considerable importance to broadening cooperation in social sectors, including health, human resources development, education and vocational training.

14. Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation in high technology, including space technology for peaceful purposes. They agreed to enhance close cooperation between relevant institutions in the earth, marine and space sciences and promote the application of relevant technologies in industry and agriculture. They also agreed to cooperate in seismology, geology and Antarctic sciences.

15. China reaffirmed its respect for Pakistan’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. It appreciated and supported Pakistan’s efforts to promote peace and stability in South Asia and supported all efforts by Pakistan to safeguard its sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. Pakistan reaffirmed its long-standing commitment to the one China policy and recognized that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. Pakistan opposed “Taiwan independence” and fully supported China’s peaceful reunification.

16. The two sides discussed in depth the international and regional developments. They reaffirmed their firm opposition to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations as well as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. They expressed their commitment to maintaining international peace and stability. Both sides agreed that the United Nations reform should aim at strengthening its authority and unity and give priority to the issue of development. The reform of the Security Council should take into full consideration the interests of all its members, and a formula acceptable to all should be sought through extensive and thorough consultations.

17. Pakistan welcomed China becoming an observer of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). China welcomed Pakistan becoming an observer of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and invited it to participate in the SCO Shanghai Summit in June 2006. Both sides expressed their support for the process of regional cooperation in Asia and the need to promote inter-regional cooperation.

18. The two sides signed Framework Agreement on Expanding and Deepening Bilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Framework Agreement on the Cooperation between the Ministry of National Defence of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Defence of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Framework Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Energy between the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Petroleum and National Resources of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, MOU on Vocational Training between the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Government of the People’s Republic of China and Ministry of Labor, Manpower and Overseas Pakistanis, Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, MOU between the Ministry of Communications of People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Communications of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Cooperation in the Up-gradation of Karakoram Highway, MOU between the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Cooperation in the Field of Fisheries, MOU for Cooperation on Pesticide Management between the Ministry of Agriculture, the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, MOU on the Launching of the Joint Program of the Five-year Plan for the Bilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Commerce of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, MOU in the field of Health between the Ministry of Health Of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Health Of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, MOU on Cooperation between the National Population and Family Planning Commission, Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Population Welfare, Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Earthquake Studies between China Administration of the People’s Republic of China and Pakistan Metrological Department of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Meteorological Science and Technology between the China Meteorological Administration of the People’s Republic of China and the Pakistan Meteorological Department of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, General Loan Agreement Regarding Utilization of the Preferential Buyer’s Credit from the Government of the People’s Republic of China to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan between the Export-Import Bank of China and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Statistics of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

19. President Musharraf invited President Hu Jintao to visit Pakistan this year and to participate in commemorative events celebrating the 55th Anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries. President Hu thanked President Musharraf for the invitation.